Updated on 22-Nov-2012  16:51 PM IST

All O.S API - 15 (Add the following in their Respective Folders Only)

Android SDK-15_r03.zip New

~\..\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-15\ (Unzip files)
~\..\android-sdk-windows\add-ons\ (Unzip files)

~\..\android-sdk-windows\system-images\android-15\ (Unzip files)
 ~\..\android-sdk-windows\samples\android-15\ (Unzip files)

Sources-15_r02.zip New

 ~\..\android-sdk-windows\sources\android-15\ (Unzip files)

Intel x86 Atom System Image - API 15 (All O.S), Rev1

UnZip in the Following Location.

Download Link >>  sysimg_x86-15_r01.zip

Download Android 4.1 New Jelly Bean, API - 16 SDKs